Press & News
Secret Cave That Used to Serve as Hideout for Revolutionary War Outlaws Discovered Bucks County
A secret cave that used to house Revolutionary War outlaws–British spies and armed thieves also known as the Doan gang – was recently discovered in Bucks County and is currently being excavated, writes John McDevitt for KYW Newsradio.
My 5x Great-Grandfather Is An Exhibitionist
While waiting for the verdict on my application to the Daughters of the American Revolution, I returned to Mercer Museum in Doylestown, Pennsylvania. Having had the opportunity to previously view my 5x great-grandfather’s coat, ledger and pistol privately, it was now part of a new exhibition there, “The Doan Gang: Outlaws of the Revolution.”
Family Rarelooms
While verifying that Colonel Augustine Willett is my 5x great-grandfather and that he was in the Continental Army in the Revolutionary War, an unbelievable discovery was made. I am not using the word “unbelievable” for effect, months later I am still in awe. The Colonel’s pistol, ledger from the tavern he owned, as well as his uniform coat are at the Mercer Museum in Doylestown, Pennsylvania.
Doan Gang Discovery Lands at the Mercer Museum
A stone with the inscription "1775 M," possibly carved by the infamous outlaw Moses Doan, has been recovered from Buckingham Cave, ending a search that millions of television viewers witnessed on a recent episode of the Discovery Channel's Expedition Unknown.